Bad Day
Surprise Judy! You shouldn't give out your info, you never know who will get a hold of it. By the way this is a Canadian artist.
~A peek inside the mind of Judy Taylor~
Have you ever had a Heart Attack? I was the lucky target this morning! The girls from my Primary class last year provided the hearts. Most of them are not even in our ward anymore since the split. I really love those girls! I miss the class. There were 24 girls on the roll, and we usually had at least 22 in class. It was fun! I cried when I found out the ward was being split, but then I found out that my new calling as Beehive Advisor meant that I would still be with half of them. Anyway, the Heart Attack was so fun. I will remember it, and it is a sign that the girls still remember me!
Cathy, Melinda, and I did a fun thing back in December. We spent the night at the Banff Springs Lodge! This is the view outside our window. The cloudy effect is steam from the heating system, but I think it gave this picture a wonderful, ethereal effect. The Christmas tree was fully lit the night before - it was beautiful! That trip was fun, but I must say, it was pretty darn cold that day. There was sparkly frost in the air!
Yes, I did. I decided to browse at Sam's during lunch yesterday, and you know how easy it is to just browse at Sam's. Well, I found some cute dresses for the girls, that's a given. And I bought some Trail Mix, the good kind with M&M's. And then I wandered down the "seasonal" isle, the one that might have Christmas stuff in the winter. Well, this time of year it has pool things and all kinds of outdoor equipment. For some reason, I always wanted a tent, but not just a tent. I wanted a nice tent. So I got one with 3 rooms! I almost bought a sleeping bag, too. But I resisted. The tent is really cool - I justified the purchase by deciding that Jeff and Ross and Zack can use it this weekend on the Father/Son's Campout. J and R came over last evening to practice setting it up in our back yard. It was pretty easy, as tents go. But it was so empty - how sad! It needs some camping equipment to put inside. I told Jeff we need to find a really nice spot to camp - one with nice shade trees, soft grass, a nice stream or pond nearby, and a cool breeze. Preferably just down the block from the motel! If we can find that spot, I'll go camping. I love the idea of camping, but the truth is, it makes me crabby. So I'll get a comfortable chair and a nice mattress to sleep on, and I can't forget the cook stove. Sounds like fun - for a couple of days. But, for now, I have a tent!
Honestly, I got a little overwhelmed last week - trying to read everyone's blog, and I was so excited about everyone "coming together" on the Corbett Family blog, then there was a possible problem. So I had to leave the world of blogging for a few days. I think my brain was truly on overload, and I don't really understand the technology (I've tried reading Scott's warm, fuzzy tech message a few times, but still don't get it). I hope I didn't mess anybody up by setting up the Corbett site - I see that Andy Goodwin was able to post, but I'm not sure how he did it. So I don't have any suggestions. Andy is another "scott", though, so I guess he was able to figure it out. I'd love to be able to put up some photos of Granny and Gramps, but then you know my abilities in that area.
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Because I can't help it, because it's my personality, and because I must explain that it's my personality, I'm compelled to make sure that I have included everyone in my kudo list:
Just wanted those of you who are interested to know that the Easter Bunny from Arizona thought that since Sommer's teeth were falling out left and right, it might be best to skip Easter this does that sound? Does that get the EB off the hook? I might add there was complaining from several different directions...geez, miss a few M&M's and the whole world goes a little kooky!
It's Sunday night, and what does that mean? It means I must get my purse out of the car so it doesn't get stolen again. I got all my replacement cards on Friday, so I'm back in business. I'm only waiting for my new insurance card which I hope comes before my Dr appt on Friday.
I left work at 4 today and met Becky, Zack and Sadee for an early dinner. We have Sadee tonight while the others have gone to the Easter Pageant. After the pageant, Emma is coming over to spend the night. Jeff, Ross, Sarah, Caitlin, Jeffrey and Alisha are participating in the Pat Tillman Run early tomorrow morning, so that's why the little girls are spending the night. We are truely lucky - we love pretty much every minute of it. Tomorrow morning I'm going to attempt coloring Easter eggs with Emma. We'll be doing it on the back patio. Not sure if she'll enjoy it, but I always do. It will just be our little family for Easter dinner, which is just fine. We are happy to share Sarah and Jared, the little girls, and the rest of the family with their other family for the holidays, just as long as we get to see them all the other days.
So much pressure - I can't always think of a title. Last night we had a little gathering for Jeff's 51st birthday - he's old! We didn't have candles, so I used a "50" candle I still had from last year and added a short broken red candle from Christmas = 50 + 1. Hey it was ugly but it got the message across. And it was easier than lighting 51 individual candles.
I went out and bought a new phone today - plus the insurance for $6/month. And I was assured that there is no way anyone could use the other phone because they disable (or whatever) the serial # of the stolen phone. So - nanny nanny boo boo to you, ya big thief! Now, once I get my new bank card I can go buy lip gloss. I'm trying not to think of the other things that were in my purse. I think I lost the dental floss that I got from that cute Dr. Frieberg. I'll never be the same! The kicker? The actual purse is one that Cathy got for free when she was here shopping at Coldwater Creek. About the only thing in that store that I could buy was that purse, but I resisted. Then she got it for putting her name on the mailing list and she gave it to me, seeing as how it was way too big for the bunch of nothing she carries with her. I really liked it! But, again, not a big deal in the grand scheme!
Well, I got in my car to leave for work yesterday morning and realized that my purse was not in the car. I park my car in the garage, and I ususally leave my purse in the car. So, a little mystified, I went back in the house to see if just maybe I took it in. I didn't. Then I noticed that the passenger door to the car was closed, but not all the way. The side access garage door was also closed, but not all the way. I went out that door, and noticed that the gate to the back yard was closed, but not all the way. So, using my CSI skills, I deduced that someone came through the gate, opened the garage door and took my purse. My CD case was also taken - not too worried about that since it was mostly oldies. I spent most of the morning yesterday calling the bank and cancelling cards. I also had to get a new Driver License. The only ID I am carrying around with me right now is my new Sam's Club card - hope the cops take it! There was no cash in my wallet - surprise! Anyway, it's a real bummer! It makes me angry at the world because I don't know who it was, and I blame everyone! What gives them the right? The police took a report, but there's really nothing they can do. A few online purchases were attempted, but I think I froze the accounts in time. The jerk was attempting to buy games online. I think I'm most upset because now I have to buy new lip gloss - I think I lost about 3 or 4 tubes! I realize this isn't the worst situation, but it is really really really frustrating. Who knows what the future could hold? This could be the beginning of identity theft...lovely!
Ok, so I'm about as good at this as I am a journal. Sometimes it seems the week goes by so fast, and others just drag on. Work is still slow, so it's a little boring, but it also gives me some breathing room to hone my "skills" before the busy season starts. Becky took Andrew to Disneyland this week (Wed thru Sat) while his parents are in Mexico. They stayed in the Disneyland Hotel. Jennifer had one of her hip replacements replaced - a new ball for the socket which will hopefully prevent future dislocations. She was discharged on Friday and Mom is staying with her this coming week. So that means I get to see after Joseph - the dog. He really isn't that much trouble. I just have to walk him in the morning and make sure he has food and water, then walk him again in the evening a couple of times. He likes it when I'm in charge because I give him good treats. Emma spent the night on Friday. We made chocolate chip cookies, she watched the "Princess Movie" and we went to bed. She had a Primary activity on Saturday morning so Sarah picker her up for that. Today was very peaceful - church, lunch, nap, banana bread (it's in the oven!). Zack and I are the only ones home. I'll try to figure out the photo thing this week. Toodles!
It's been a fun weekend. With General Conference, I didn't have to prepare a lesson for today. We had the family over again today for dinner. I really do enjoy having everyone here - just hanging out in various rooms of the house. This evening, some were playing a game on the back patio while the boys were tossing around a football in the backyard.
So I thought I'd join the crowd and be a "blogger". As you know, I'm always on the cutting edge. We had a Girls Sleepover last night - chinese food for dinner with Emma and Sadee spending the night. Caitlin curled my hair - those ringlet things. It didn't look too bad. So I had her do it again this morning. We made breakfast and invited everyone over to eat and watch Conference. During Elder Eyring's talk, I was with Emma in the kitchen making some chocolate milk. While she was stirring, she called out "Mom, he said 'Holy Ghost'." Then she heard it again. She may not know what he was saying, but at least we know she heard "Holy Ghost" a few times. She's very bright. After the session this afternoon, I'm going with Sarah to have the girls pictures taken at Target. After reading about Lara's experience, I'm really looking forward to it. Tonight we are going to a high school production of "Bye Bye Birdie". As soon as I figure out how to do it, I'll try to put some pictures up. Give me a chance to figure it all out. Toodles.