Tuesday, December 26, 2006

One Day Left!

Tomorrow at this time I will be on an airplane headed for Hawaii! Am I excited? Yes...but I'm also thinking about the packing thing, and wondering if I'm taking everything I need to take. The correct answer is "yes", I'm taking enough. But I find that I always review over and over - what ELSE do I need to take? What if I get blisters? Should I take Band-aids? What if I get a headache? Tylenol and Ibuprofen? Enough for just me or enough for everyone? What if I crochet so much that I run out of yarn? Should I take more yarn? What if I don't really like the clothes I've packed? Should I take more? So you see, the list goes on and on. At some point, I just have to tell myself that whatever I've forgotten, I didn't really need, or it's something that I can buy "there". I always find that when packing to come home, I have definately overpacked. Why can't I realize that from the beginning? My goal tomorrow is to be comfortable on the plane, and help the little girls be happy. It will be a long day since we are leaving for the airport at 5:30am. My other goal is to be patient. I feel like I'm preparing for some serious surgery here and I'm the surgeon prepping for the event - walking thru all the steps, preparing for every contingency. Once we get to the airport, I think I can relax a little. Then we have a 6.5 hour flight. Next worry? Getting off the plane, luggage and getting the rental cars. Finding our way to the North Shore will be more fun than anything, I hope. Once we are there...who cares? Well, I do. I will need to unpack my things and then go to the grocery store to make sure we have everything we need for breakfast and snacks. Zack has agreed to take pix, so we will post those next week. Can I say that I can't believe this is happening? There are very few events in my life that have actually been planned out for such a long time. I think I made the initial inquiries into accomodations last February. I had my doubts that it would really happen on a few occasions, but here we are. I think my focus this year was on the trip, not Christmas Day. I enjoyed Christmas Eve for sure. But yesterday was all about packing, for me. So, Happy New Year to all! See you on the return! AloooooHA!


Blogger Christensen said...

Hope you all have a wonderful trip! I can't wait to hear all about it!

3:34 PM  
Blogger Christensen said...

Happy Birthday Judy!!!! I hope you are having a wonderful time. Love Ya!

3:11 PM  

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